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filingDate 2002-02-25-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 2002-07-11-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber US-2002088467-A1
titleOfInvention Mind personality transfer method
abstract This invention can permanently in the future develop minds and personalities of creatures which were considered in the past to decay and become extinct owing to ageing and death, by transferring minds and personalities of creatures to new clone bodies, with preserving self-identity. This invention is particularly valid in the case that an invalid has little chance of recovery due to serious multiple organ failures, in the case that general prostration or severe senility of the whole body makes urgent organ exchanges ineffective, in the case that it will not be long before an individual moves to new clone bodies on some other grounds, etc. My invention is the repetitive processes of transferring central nervous systems and other systems of individuals and old clone bodies to new clone bodies. n Besides the process of transferring central nervous systems themselves to new clone bodies, as FIG. 1 shows, by inputting memories retained in original individuals and clone bodies to central nervous systems of new clone bodies beforehand, creatures can obtain existence bases of themselves in succession, because memory itself can be regarded as the independent personality. n Combining freely a great many of organs such as central nervous systems, peripheral nervous systems, and other systems, can enlarge memory capacities. Moreover, by establishing new active pathways, the originality worth of oneself can be formed. Remaking gray matters into chips such as semiconductors, various integrated circuits, etc., makes nervous systems light and convenient. The information interchange between lots of brains beyond a tiny skull and the construction of new nervous systems can evolve central nervous systems as a whole. n Creatures can maintain self-identity even if constituent elements of succeeding creatures are different from those of preceding creatures, because ceatures always exchange their constituent elements by respiration and metabolism. n Furthermore, the consciousness of oneself can maintain continuity in the case that the infant self is lasting to the adult self, in the case that a particular self can put on weight and can lose weight, and in the case that the organs of oneself were injured in diseases, accidents, etc., and the self gets one's health back again. Namely, ceatures can transfer themselves in succession to new clone bodies continuously and spaciously, even if succeeding creatures have different shapes, sizes, functions, constituent elements, etc. n Therefore, with keeping self-continuity, I can create the existence of multi-arms and multi-legs, by making the most of lots of other systems in addition to nervous systems simultaneously. And, by obtaining various new organs, I can extend individual faculties of creatures diversely and remarkably.
priorityDate 2000-03-02-04:00^^<>

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