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filingDate 1983-08-05-04:00^^<>
grantDate 1985-01-07-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1985-01-07-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber SU-1133521-A1
titleOfInvention X-ray radiometric method of determination of light element content
abstract A METHOD FOR X-RAY RADIOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE CONTENT OF LUNG ELEMENTS, based on irradiating a sample of an analyte with a stream of heavy charged particles, recording the intensities of the characteristic X-rays of the detected elements and the stream of electrons emitted by the sample, which, in order to improve the accuracy of the detected elements, and the flow of the sample emitted by electrons, to improve the accuracy of the detected elements and the flow of the sample emitted by electrons, to increase the accuracy of the detected elements, to improve the accuracy of the detected elements and the flow of the sample emitted by electrons, to increase the accuracy of the detected elements, to improve the accuracy of the detected elements, and the flow of the sample emitted by electrons, to increase the accuracy of the detected elements, to measure the efficiency of the detected electrons, the flow rate of the sample emitted by the sample, to improve the accuracy of the pattern, the pattern of the emitted by the breakdown of the detected electrons, the pattern, the pattern, the efficiency of the detected electrons, the pattern, the pattern, the flow rate, the pattern, the pattern, the flow rate of the sample, and the flow rate of the sample. properties of the analyte increase the electron energy by accelerating them electrically or magnetically. Lem by an amount sufficient to register them, and the contents of interest are judged taking into account the recorded electron flux. Stream daelgmpofoe .e 50Q 450 400 3SO (L
priorityDate 1983-08-05-04:00^^<>

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