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filingDate 1982-03-19-04:00^^<>
grantDate 1984-01-30-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1984-01-30-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber SU-1069808-A1
titleOfInvention Method of treatment of penetrating wounds of corneal-scleral region and sclera
abstract A method for treating penetrating cells of the corneal-scleral area and sclera by applying wound nodular sutures to the edges, characterized in that, in order to reduce postoperative complications, exfoliate the edges of the wound of the sclera and remove the choroidal membrane from the inner edges of the wound from the heart, the heart, and the body, will pull the heart from the heart, and then put the wrist from the heart of the body, the body will pull out of the body, and the body will pull out of the body, the heart will pull out of the body, and the heart will pull out of the body, the heart will pull the heart pattern from the heart, then the body will pull from the heart, and the body will detach from the heart, and then the body will pull out of the body, the heart will pull out of the heart, and the heart will pull from the heart, then the body will pull from the heart, and the body will go to the heart of the body. the inner layers of the scleral wound, while knotted stitches impose on the outer layers of the scleral wound and the cornea wound 2/3 of the thickness of the latter. l 05 from 00 about 00
priorityDate 1982-03-19-04:00^^<>

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