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filingDate 1995-06-26-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1997-05-27-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber RU-95110820-A
titleOfInvention Kitchen cabinet for washing and collecting of wastes
abstract The invention relates to meeting the vital needs of a person and requires completely new initial approaches to the organization of work on their use. Solving the main task of separately collecting the most important and mass types of household waste and categorically eliminating their initial mixing from practice, the essence of the invention allows solving other problems of returning significant material resources for the national economy and specific reduction of its need for raw materials and materials to reduce the load on urban landfills and reducing the area occupied beneath them, expanding the forage base for animal husbandry due to the possible collection of the total amount of generated stomach food waste beautification work of janitors and those involved in the sorting of household waste. A kitchen cabinet for washing and collecting household waste is proposed, consisting of a housing that simultaneously serves as a stand for the washing bath (s), a decorative fence for the drain (s) device (c) and placed inside a container (bin) for the joint collection of household waste , creating the opportunity to give the whole structure an aesthetic appearance, equipped on the front side with one or more doors, additionally serves as a place for hanging and placing: a device for collecting solid food waste; clamp-holder for garbage bags after cleaning the vacuum cleaner and wood waste; a container for collecting used polymer films, bags with a tray located on its side for separate collection of lumpy types of plastics; a container for collecting paper waste; boxes for collecting small pieces
priorityDate 1995-06-26-04:00^^<>

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