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filingDate 1996-02-15-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1997-09-12-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber KR-970064294-A
titleOfInvention Implementation of Failure Handling Data Generation in All Electronic Exchange
abstract The present invention provides an electronic exchanger for automatically generating DG data referenced by an SAI block to be newly loaded into an ASP block and DG data referenced by an FLM block in the OMP due to a fault processing changed in the DTS-3100, The present invention relates to a method of generating a fault, and an AACA board is provided for each subsystem in a conventional electronic switching system so that a failure of a device is detected so that a fault of the DG data is manually handled by a software engineer, It is possible to prevent an error that may occur in generating the DG data and to easily correct the error even if an error occurs after the generation of the DG data, It can save time for data generation.
priorityDate 1996-02-15-04:00^^<>

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