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filingDate 2006-03-22-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 2007-10-01-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber KR-20070095732-A
titleOfInvention Practical Grammar School Flyer
abstract Combined with advertising of left brain organ, Go, Korean-English grammar and right brain intuition challenge, the invention of long-term Baduk language has been the driving force for the development of human culture, and is the face of modern times and future products. The main role of the main character is advertising. Historically, the origin of Go was taught by the Chinese counterparts in charge of the development of the brain of the son Dan, and then changed to become a medium of dialogue between humanity and human sympathy. In the battle against the nation's honor, they are engaged in fierce battles, and the heroes of the dynasty are fighting the strategic strategies of the masters of the Weifang, Hangzhou, and Three Kingdoms through the turbulent times of the Chinese Emperor's War. This resulted in the unification of China, reaching Genghis Khan's world domination. To dominate, and thousands of languages, but when the world is predicted to accelerate 1.3 billion Chinese and English only survive in the current dagodeul earth,n n n Our traditional folk game “Yunnori and Half Moon” is also a lover who reclaims the country that was stolen when he was ruled by the Japanese, and eventually helped him to achieve the liberation and the world cup quarter-finals.n n n 역사 The history of advertising is insignificant, but Hyundai has become a world that can't survive without advertising. It's accelerating the phenomenon that advertising has shook the world for some time. Until then, long-term Go was a small male-oriented aristocracy, and advertising was a medium for the masses since its inception. The flag is a major player, and has a great effect on the world's advertising market power and export power.
priorityDate 2006-03-22-04:00^^<>

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