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filingDate 2000-11-10-04:00^^<>
grantDate 2001-04-16-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 2001-04-16-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber KR-200221062-Y1
titleOfInvention Acupressure device
abstract The present invention relates to acupressure bulbs, in particular, to promote blood circulation by the acupressure stimulation effect and negative ions when attached to the affected part of the human body, as well as to promote blood circulation effect by the magnetic force of the magnet and to activate the transport of waste in the blood Its purpose is to form a through-hole in the center of the non-ferrous metal plate body and the insertion groove of the non-ferrous metal plate body, the insertion hole is inserted into the center of the insertion groove portion, and then inserted into the insertion groove portion and bonded by adhesive tape As a sphere, if it is firmly attached to the skin surface by using the adhesive surface of the adhesive tape when attaching to the affected part of the human body, the outer surface of the insertion groove of the non-ferrous metal plate is protruded, so that the skin surface is pressed and the blood is produced by the acupressure stimulation effect and the anion It has a circulation promoting effect and the non-ferrous metal plate prevents the cold property of the circular magnet embedded in the insertion groove. Since the nuclear stand out through the holes and enable the transport of waste products in the blood, it relates to a chiropractor nine to get the effect of promoting blood circulation.
priorityDate 2000-11-10-04:00^^<>

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