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filingDate 2003-01-21-04:00^^<>
grantDate 2009-10-23-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 2009-10-23-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber KR-100923145-B1
titleOfInvention Surgical Retractor for Arterial Hemorrhoids
abstract The present invention relates to a disposable device for operation of an arterial hemorrhoid, which comprises an outer distal end portion (201) connected to a gripping handle (M) which is roundly sealed in an end portion (101) Disclosed is a disposable device comprising a retractor tube (1) that is opened while opened. A channel C for reflecting the light supplied from the illumination source F and transmitting the reflected light to the inside of the retractor to illuminate the side window 8 is provided in the connection area where the handle is connected to the outside entrance of the retractor And the rectal mucosa to be treated by the arterial dichoric suture operation is visible through the window 8. The blood flow of the arterial dentition and the artery are precisely detected by an ultrasonic probe removably housed in the longitudinal chamber 10, the chamber 10 being provided inside the retractor tube, And has a side opening 7 that opens at the entrance of the retractor, i. E., Distal end 201, and allows the sensor of the probe to contact the anal mucosa. Preferably in a thin, disposable, easily removable sterilizing envelope, so that the probe can be sanitarily recycled.n n n n Artery hemorrhoids, surgery, retractors
priorityDate 2003-01-21-04:00^^<>

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