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filingDate 1994-05-24-04:00^^<>
grantDate 1994-11-22-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1994-11-22-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber JP-3004529-U
titleOfInvention Adjustable curtain rail support
abstract (57) [Summary] [Purpose] The curtain is a characteristic of cloth, etc., so it expands and contracts due to washing, etc. Also, it may be necessary to adjust the curtain when it is actually installed due to measurement errors, changes due to flameproofing, etc. Curtain rail support that can be easily adjusted by housewives by using the rail suspension. [Structure] As shown in the figure, a curtain rail support that includes a movable rail portion and a wall surface fixing portion, and that can adjust the rail portion up and down by a vertical adjustment long screw.
priorityDate 1994-05-24-04:00^^<>

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