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filingDate 1959-01-01-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1961-11-01-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber GB-881046-A
titleOfInvention Apparatus for testing chemical compounds
abstract <PICT:0881046/III/1> Disposable apparatus for use in chemical and biological tests comprises, (referring to Fig. 5), a dish 11 with base 17 and upstanding periphery 18, containing a semi solid medium 12 (e.g. agar) with an upper exposed surface 14. The cover 13 fits over the dish and is located by lugs 26 and recesses 27 on the dish and cover respectively (see Fig. 7) which are arranged so that the dish and cover fit together in only one predetermined position. The cover 13 bears on its under-side a plurality of supporting means 22 which may be hollow or recessed pegs or, as in the modification shown in Fig. 10, which may be cut out flaps 24 in a stiff plate 25 e.g. of cardboard which fits against the underside of the cover proper. In either case, the projections are such that in the operative condition they contact the surface 14 of the semi-solid medium 12. In the testing of chemical compounds, e.g. alloys, a solution containing metal ions is spread over the medium 12 and different and specific indicators which will give a specific colour reaction are placed on the projecting "pegs" e.g. by forming a paste of a solid reagent and a binding substance e.g. glycerine, and which thus touch the sample and give, in the medium 12, colour reactions in zones about the contact points of the pegs and medium. The pegs are spaced in a predetermined pattern (see Fig. 7) and the dish or cover, which may be of a transparent material e.g. polystyrene, may be marked to show a series of concentric zones 19 about the peg positions to facilitate the assessment of results (particularly quantitative results). As in Fig. 2 (not shown) the dish and cover may be enclosed within a sealed container e.g. of flexible polyethylene and means may be provided to seal the medium from the test agents, e.g. a thin sheet of metal foil extending beyond the edges of the dish and sealed thereto by an adhesive in the storage or non-operative condition.
priorityDate 1959-01-01-04:00^^<>

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