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filingDate 1970-12-09-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1974-11-27-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber GB-1375834-A
abstract 1375834 Refractometer NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORP 23 Nov 1971 [9 Dec 1970] 58556/70 Heading G1A [Also in Division G2] A refractometer for measuring the refractive indices of liquids, e.g. sugar solutions, or the difference in the indices of two liquids, e.g. a dilute solution and its solvent, see Fig. 7 (not shown), comprises a source 6 of monochromatic light, 4, a cell 7 for holding the liquid or liquids, a polarizer 8, which may precede the cell 7, optical rotator 9, and a polarimeter 10, e.g. of the kind described in Specification 882244. The light, which may be UV or IF, is displaced at 7 and linearly polarized at 8, and the rotator 9, e.g. a quartz wedge 11 and a glass wedge 12, rotates the light through an angle dependent on the extent of the displacement of the light. In a modification, Fig.3 (not shown) the polarizer and a second rotator (13) precede the cell 7. The quartz in the rotator (13) may be of opposite hand to the quartz in the rotator 9, or it may be identical with the rotator 9 and be followed by a half wave plate. In another modification, Fig. 4, the light is reflected at 14 back through the cell 7 and rotator 9 which performs the functions of both devices 9, (13), the rotations being made additive by a half wave plate 15, effects of optical activity in the cell 7 cancelling each other. The beam 4 may be collimated or focused on the device 9 in the embodiment of Fig. 2.
priorityDate 1970-12-09-04:00^^<>

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