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filingDate 1973-01-04-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1974-06-19-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber GB-1357310-A
titleOfInvention Wet sieving
abstract 1357310 Determining particle size by weighing CHAMBER OF MINES SERVICES PTY Ltd 4 Jan 1973 [11 Jan 1972] 605/73 Heading G1S Particles to be sized are made into a slurry which is piped into a vessel A to a level L on top of water already filled to the level of a screen S. Let this weight of water and slurry be WB. A valve V is then opened and water piped from W to wash fine particles from the slurry through the screen until clear water issues from valve V. The valve is then closed and water added to level L. The vessel is then weighed with the water and solids left on the screen. Let this weight be WA. If the weight of water alone to level L is WW , and the weight of the slurry on top of the water is WB, then the total weight of solids in the slurry added initially to the vessel is given by WB-WW divided by 1-pw/ps, where pw and ps are the S G's of water and solids to be sized respectively. Similarly, the weight of solids remaining after washing out the fine material is given by WA -WW divided by WB-WW. On completion of sieving and weighing a sample the solids left on the screen may be washed away through valve X.
priorityDate 1972-01-11-04:00^^<>

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