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filingDate 1971-08-25-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 1973-04-11-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber GB-1313078-A
titleOfInvention Extraction of sugar from sugar beet
abstract 1313078 Purifying sugar solutions SOC ITALIANA PER L'INDUSTRIA DEGLI ZUCCHERI SpA 25 Aug 1971 [27 Aug 1970] 39969/71 Heading C6B A sugar extraction process comprises the steps of extracting juice from sugar beets, acidifying the juice, separating the precipitates formed as a consequence of the acidification, and then, after cooling the juice, treating it in succession with cationic and anionic type ion exchange resins, followed by concentration of the juice to a syrup, and crystallization. An additional treatment with an anionic type ion exchange resin may be performed before the treatment with the cationic type. Juice extraction may be performed by conventional diffusion methods or by mechanical squeezing, and the subsequent acidification, to bring the pH of the juice to the range 3À5 to 4À0, is effected by the additon of an organic or inorganic acid or by recycling part of the juice from the cationic resin stage. Separation of precipitates is performed by filtration, centrifugation or by static or dynamic decanters, or by combinations of these methods, and organic or inorganic coagulating agents may be used. The cationic type resin with which the juice, after being cooled to the range 8‹ to 18‹C, is then treated is preferably of strong type, regenerated in acid form. The anionic type resin used in the next step is preferably of weak or medium strength, and may be followed by treatment with a strong anionic type resin in hydroxylic form. Before the juice is concentrated and crystallized it may be subjected to decolouring by activated charcoal etc.
priorityDate 1970-08-27-04:00^^<>

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