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filingDate 2020-02-21-04:00^^<>
publicationDate 2020-04-01-04:00^^<>
publicationNumber CO-2020001889-A1
titleOfInvention Portable liquefaction method characterized by ease of implementation and being developed through the production phase, the storage phase, the liquefaction phase, the packaging and regasification phase and the creation of a portable liquefied gas storage tank.
abstract The present invention takes advantage of the gas generated by the manure biodigestion process in an industrial way by compressing it in a metal tank of 80 to 100 PSI of pressure, the gas is led from the tank through a copper tube, this spiral-shaped tube passes Through the interior of a thermos with liquid nitrogen that is at an extreme temperature below zero, the gas when passing through the spiral that is inside the thermos, changes from a gaseous state to a liquid, thus producing the liquefaction of the gas which continues its displacement until you reach a storage tank. The storage tank has a thermal lining adapted to withstand extreme cold temperatures and has the necessary gauge measures to control and withstand the pressure exerted by the liquefied gas and to guarantee safe handling. The stored liquefied gas seeks to return to its natural state when exposed to room temperature and in turn exerts pressure to exit the tank, which is why a pressure regulator and a tube that acts as a regasification system at the outlet of the tank is adapted . Finally, the newly re-gassed gas is easy to use in any gas appliance, vehicle, mechanical, among others. It is important to note that this system is portable and that it can be implemented anywhere in the country, it can also be commercialized even in the most remote areas, its production costs are lower than any existing method of gas production and liquefaction, the costs of sales are lower than the products currently on the market and their handling is safe for the community in general, additionally they reduce the impacts of greenhouse gases and pollution from combustion is reduced by 90%.
priorityDate 2020-02-21-04:00^^<>

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