Outgoing Links

Predicate Object
family-name Rasi
name Karolina Rasi
given-name Karolina
organization-name From the Oulu Center for Cell-Matrix Research, Biocenter Oulu, and Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (K.R., R.H., T.P., L.E.); Biocenter Oulu and Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (J.P., H.L., J.R., R.K., H.R.); Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology (J.P.); Biocenter Oulu and Department of Pathology (R.S.); and Department of Physiology (M.I., O.V.), University of Oulu, Finland; Department of Neurosurgery (M.C., P.V.), Charité-Universitätsmedizin...

Incoming Links

Predicate Subject

Total number of triples: 6.